5 Lists You Should Keep

Anyone that knows me knows that I love making lists and organizing and I literally have an endless (it seems) number of lists that I keep at all times. Lists are great because while they seem a little OCD they keep thoughts and ideas organized rather than just all jumbled up in your brain. Either way, list making works for me and it might even work for you too!


1. Goals

It’s important to set goals for yourself and to not set them too high that they aren’t achievable. Be realistic and you’ll be feeling accomplished in no time!

2. To-Do Today

The same thing goes with this list as before. Be realistic and don’t give yourself too much to do in one day. Keep track of things you need to get done in your personal life and take care of yourself. Little tasks each day add up!

3. Groceries

I keep this list in my phone and I update it almost daily. As I think of something else I want to pick up at the store I just add it to my list of groceries and when I run out of a must have (such as milk) I go ahead and add that to my list as well so I don’t forget anything while I’m doing my grocery shopping.

4. Things I have accomplished.

This is a list where you get to see how all your work has paid off. Sometimes we get wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget all that we have done and just keep moving forward. Keep a list of things that you’ve done well or accomplished to remember where you came from and where you’re going.

5. Passwords

I am that person that is always forgetting usernames and passwords. Most people say “just use the same one for everything,” and believe me, I’ve tried that and it never works! I always end up pressing “Forgot My Password” and have to reset all over. So whether this is a list you keep in a notepad, locked in a safe, or in your phone it is one I can’t live without.

There is something powerful about writing things down or even typing it. If you see it in front of you and not just in your mind you’re more likely to remember the events or complete tasks. Once you start, you’ll see the magic happen!

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